Aneroid Capsule test bench
This test bench is dedicated to OEM or Test Labs to carry out tests and qualification on Aneroid capsules
- Pressurization on both side of capsules (differential pressure)
- Altitude chamber with integrated laser displacement sensor
This test bench is dedicated to OEM or Test Labs to carry out tests and qualification on Aneroid capsules. It allows to accurately measure mechanical deformation on capsules with different pressures. Software processing Automatic control of capsules with Immediate results exploitation
Pictures of the product

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Document's type
Technical specifications
MRO- Maintenance Repair and Overhaul
R&D Test
Altitude chamber with integrated laser displacement sensor
Pressurization on both side of capsules (differential pressure)
Technical Specifications
1 generation pressure port -1/0barG with standard sensor
User-friendly PC application with curve plotting (pressure, deformation), results save and automatic edition of test reports at the end of a control c
As option : generation port 0/+9barG
Contactless measure of capsule deformation - precision < 2µm
1 generation pressure port 0/+1barG with standard sensor
Aneroid capsules test