Load and Displacement Test Bench

This Bench is dedicated to tests and process requiring displacement generation with a control on applied load
  • Many use: load/displacement characterization,constraint, chocking/setting on equipment,interference fitting etc.
  • Displacement generation in tension/compression,with automatic or manual mode
This Bench is dedicated to tests and process requiring displacement generation with a control on applied load. Its software allows to plot andanalyze load and displacement curves.

Pictures of the product


Documents to download
Document's type
Datasheet - Load / Displacement Test Bench - B040.pdf
260.2 Ko
Technical specifications
Product category
Measurement Test Stand
R&D Test
Many use: load/displacement characterization,constraint, chocking/setting on equipment,interference fitting etc.
Displacement generation in tension/compression,with automatic or manual mode
Technical Specifications
Adjustable displacement speed , depending to process: 0.1 to 5mm/sec
Use with manual or automatic mode
User-friendly software with measurement display, curve plotting, cursors for curve analysis and registration of final curve.
Adjustable load limitation by software
Load measurement: ± 224.8 lbf / error < 00.2 lbf
Displacement measurement: 0-30mm / error < 1µm with adjustable sensor stop
Load / Displacement bench
Tension/compression bench
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